Monday, February 14, 2005

Slow, slow, slow....

Progress has been slow lately. Or maybe I should rephrase this. I have the feeling that I have learned a lot and am getting better, but it isn't reflected in my ranking or my games yet. Sounds weird, I know, but I am hoping that it is just an integration period and that eventually it will make me stronger.

I finally signed up at and started on the Korean Problem Academy. It's a nice change of pace from the Many Faces of Go and the DieOrLive problems.

I try to play at least one game against a human every day. But somehow my play just isn't there yet, I usually find myself ending up with not much territory. I have the feeling that I should play less aggressively, and more territory focused. But a bit of aggression is good too, guess I really need to find my own balance.

During my last game, I experimented with the double hane. Was able to use it twice, rejected it at another opportunity. I was happy with the outcome, even although I lost the game. It is fun to experiment with new moves and shapes. Another new shape I learned was the table shape, I have to admit that I never even heard of it till some one pointed it out to me.

I have beat The Many Faces of Go on level 8 now, only 2 more levels to go. It is a nice program for a fast game of go, when I know I will have a lot of interruptions.


Anonymous said...

One thing I was cautioned against was playing too much against the computer. What you may end up learning is how to exploit the computer's weaknesses instead of "Good Go".

Of course, ymmv. I still lose every time when playing white against GnuGo or WinHonte.

Anonymous said...

I think I've found that playing humans will help you more than playing computers will, on the overall.

Computers are too consistent in their style and make certain errors that you can (and will) learn to instinctively exploit.

They also don't tend to make as many of the same kinds of "wonky moves" that human opponents will. This can deflate your rank against actual humans and stymy your growth.

As Jay points out though, YMMV :)