Sunday, March 25, 2007

When Ahead, Play Thickly

The last few weeks, this theme seems to keep coming back in my games. I will manage to be ahead, but still throw away the game on some silly complication. Sendol has been reminding me over and over 'When ahead, play thickly'.

So this is one subject of study now. Count, and when ahead, simplify and play thickly. It sounds so simple, but it is amazingly difficult to actually do it. Maybe I should go through the Guo Juan lessons on 'Winning a Won Game'. I sure could use it.

A few days ago, I was at the opposite end of the picture, when I was behind by at least 30 points and tried one shobute. Amazingly enough, it worked and I won the game. He could have made one thick move and the game would have been over with no shobute to try. Glad I am not the only one with this problem :p


Anonymous said...

This is a very good advice ("Attack and Defense" book explains it very nicely, I found) - but, as you say, it is not at all trivial to put into practice, because it's such a thin line between playing thickly and conservatively, and actually playing slow and falling behind.


becci said...

I really like the "Winning a Won Game" series in Guo Juan's audio lectures, though I haven't watched all of them yet. It sounds simple, but it's actually very tricky because the idea is _not_ to play slowly. Some of the examples really stress that you should continue to attack and win decisively--don't back down. On the other hand, you should try to simplify things and not take risks. Tie off loose ends; leave no weaknesses. It's hard, of course, but it's _really_ cool.