Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Learn to Lean

Lately, I have more and more discovered the joys of leaning attacks. Sadly, most of those times it was in review. It is definitely something to work on. Here is a position from my last game with shygost.

The last move I played was A, which (in hindsight) clearly is what Guo juan in her audio lessons calls an empty move. The corner is still open and it doesn't quite attack the W group.

This is where the leaning attack comes in. Look at this alternate sequence.

Simple leaning attack and suddenly B can play a way more severe move against the W group. Too bad I didn't find this in the game. Maybe next time ^^


Anonymous said...

so I can't decide if it's easier to lean if you're selfish or selfless.

I find it's really easy, if i'm not insecure about giving them territory, to just bonk into their sides and bounce off to an attack. Give freely! it's yours! Enjoy! points for you!

but it could just as easily be that's it's the other side of my greed, saying "ok, that's for you, and this [points to giant running group] is for me!"

kgs 1k

Anonymous said...

i remember the first time i used leaning attack, i was so excited :) i had just earlier learned about it from attack&defence book, i was maybe 18k-20k at kgs.

Unknown said...

I really enjoy reading this blog..it is also an excellent way for a stone-pusher to learn. The bite sized chunks with an example I find really useful..I bet you would make a great GO teacher.