Sunday, July 09, 2006

Joseki Ponderings

Last week at club, I played this game, I am W.

I felt move 17 for B, the pincer was overplayish, but I sure did a very good job of making it a wonderful move. I have been thinking back to this position and trying to figure out what I could have done differently.

I could have chosen a different joseki variant, A and B were the ones which came to mind.

The counter pincer at B isn't joseki, but feels somehow more right on this board.

Or maybe I should have approached differently.

Will have to ponder this more, I know the result I got in my game was horrible. Although I have to admit that that was not only the joseki choice, but also the fact that I cut when I shouldn't have cut yet.

So much to study, so little time ^^

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