Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Woodlands: Porch and Simul

Apart from the abundance of go at The Woodlands, there is The Porch. Early morning, when you wake up, you wander to the porch to drink tea with other early birds. People will be playing go and it is the best place to eat pancakes with maple syrup.


Afternoon tea is much better on the porch than it is inside the building, especially with wonderful loose leaf tea.


On Monday she gave a simul against all of us. You know, one of these games where you put down your handicap stones, start fighting, have this beautiful moyo. That moyo which 20 moves later is struggling to make two eyes, or at least one and a half so it might be able to win the capturing race... Or maybe you just found yourself a perfect place to resign.


She won all her games. Such power!

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1 comment:

Peter said...

What tea is that?
I remember having it when I was in Hangzhou the first time - but I don't recall the name of it :(