
I could come up with many excuses, about being tired, about trying too hard, about it being the last game. But the story is, that I just played some bad moves without enough thinking. Or without thinking at all.

My favorite review quote: "White A is just unthinkable. If I were white, I wouldn't be able to sleep that night, full of anger, having played this humiliating move"

This summarizes the game, it mostly teaches me to take a deep breath, focus and be present. Not just play the first likely move. Or unlikely move. This game is more about lack of discipline than about lack of go knowledge.

The good news is that I had a great time at the oza, meeting many people I had only met on line before. On Monday, we did some sightseeing of Baltimore, which was fun in itself. And I learned lots from all my games, now I just need to apply it.