Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Kids Go

For months, I had been telling myself 'I really should take Kate to Kids Go at the MGA, it would be good for her to see other go playing kids.' Our own go club only has teenagers and adults, and it is not always easy to relate to those when you are eight years old.

Life kept getting in the way, but last week, we finally managed to drive down. Kate prepared herself by putting tattoos all over her body... Those were the temporary ones, in case anyone is wondering about us now.

It was the start of summer vacation, so there were only a few kids. Still, it was nice for her to play one of them. She also did a bunch of problems and had a good time. It didn't hurt at all that there were cupcakes and chocolate chip cookies ^^

After Kids Go, we went to a friend's house and had a great time. Such a great time, that Kate kept asking 'Can we go back tomorrow? Can we? Can we????' Although frankly I think this was more thanks to the video game she played at my friend's house, and not as much because of the kids go. But I'll pretend that it was the go drawing her back to the MGA ^^

We will definitely have to do this again.

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