PW[NannyOgg]DT[2010-03-25]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]B[pd]
(;B[jq]TR[jq]C[sendol [-\]: overplay
NannyOgg [-\]: ok
;W[qm]C[sendol [-\]: now w successful
;W[jo]TR[jo]C[sendol [-\]: good
(;B[bq]TR[bq]C[NannyOgg [-\]: ok
sendol [-\]: greedy
(;W[br]TR[br]C[sendol [-\]: passive
;B[en]TR[en]C[sendol [-\]: wrong direction
sendol [-\]: big mistake
;B[jn]C[NannyOgg [-\]: yeah :(
(;W[ko]C[NannyOgg [-\]: very cool
;B[im]TR[im][jn]C[sendol [-\]: b good shape
sendol [-\]: w failed
(;W[ik]C[NannyOgg [-\]: i see
;W[hr]C[sendol [-\]: finally^^
(;W[cf]C[NannyOgg [-\]: ^^
;W[hf]TR[hf]C[sendol [-\]: dangerous move
(;B[qb]TR[qb]C[sendol [-\]: too passive
(;W[sd]TR[sd]C[sendol [-\]: too small
(;B[gk]TR[gk]C[sendol [-\]: wrong direction
(;W[gl]TR[gl]C[sendol [-\]: too passive
;B[fk]C[NannyOgg [-\]: :(
(;W[ff]TR[ff]C[sendol [-\]: wrong
;B[ke]C[NannyOgg [-\]: ok
;B[kg]TR[ke][ff][kg]C[sendol [-\]: almost liberty
sendol [-\]: no b can counterattack
;W[bg]C[sendol [-\]: good
(;B[pr]C[NannyOgg [-\]: ^^
(;B[le]TR[ld][ke][le]C[NannyOgg [-\]: funny shape ^^
sendol [-\]: inefficient shape
;B[pc]C[sendol [-\]: b loss
(;B[ni]C[NannyOgg [-\]: ^^
;W[oh]C[sendol [-\]: nice
;B[jg]C[sendol [-\]: w dead
NannyOgg [-\]: ouch
(;W[ph]C[sendol [-\]: but w enough
NannyOgg [-\]: ok
sendol [-\]: next game?
NannyOgg [-\]: ok
(;B[jg]C[sendol [-\]: next w?
NannyOgg [-\]: o12
;B[mh]C[sendol [-\]: hi
;W[ng]C[sendol [-\]: over
NannyOgg [-\]: nice
;W[ph]C[NannyOgg [-\]: sweet
sendol [-\]: over
(;B[nl]TR[jh][ji][ki][kj]C[sendol [-\]: next w?
NannyOgg [-\]: hmmmm, not sure o9?
sendol [-\]: how to kill?
NannyOgg [-\]: j12
;B[hh]C[NannyOgg [-\]: j10
;B[ij]C[NannyOgg [-\]: oh
;W[dh]C[NannyOgg [-\]: not good
;W[hh]C[NannyOgg [-\]: ah
sendol [-\]: not difficult
sendol [-\]: so, dont miss this variation
NannyOgg [-\]: ok
;W[hi]C[NannyOgg [-\]: ok
;W[jf]C[sendol [-\]: net
(;B[oc]C[sendol [-\]: naturally
;B[nd]C[sendol [-\]: naturally
(;W[rr]C[NannyOgg [-\]: oh
NannyOgg [-\]: didn't even read that
NannyOgg [-\]: interesting
sendol [-\]: bad aji
;W[ss]C[sendol [-\]: b traped
NannyOgg [-\]: sweet!
(;B[qs]TR[qs]C[sendol [-\]: correct answer
;B[sq]C[sendol [-\]: b safety
;B[sp]C[sendol [-\]: nothing
(;B[rs]C[sendol [-\]: normal now
;B[sn]C[sendol [-\]: b painful
;W[rr]C[sendol [-\]: b trapped
(;B[pr]C[sendol [-\]: or
(;B[qr]C[sendol [-\]: correct
;B[kr]TR[bg][lq][kr]C[sendol [-\]: b had better follow this way
(;W[eb]C[sendol [-\]: big yose
;W[qk]LB[qk:A]TR[eb][bg]C[sendol [-\]: big yose
sendol [-\]: A is also big points
;W[qk]TR[qk]C[sendol [-\]: connection
;W[hj]TR[gj][hj][ik][jk]C[sendol [-\]: b gained nothing
sendol [-\]: instaed w take some profit
(;B[lj]C[sendol [-\]: natuarlly
(;W[qk]C[sendol [-\]: connect
sendol [-\]: is much better
(;B[kn]C[sendol [-\]: settle
(;W[ml]TR[ml]C[NannyOgg [-\]: ah
sendol [-\]: now w also need to take care
sendol [-\]: take care as wellas attack
;W[nl]C[NannyOgg [-\]: yeah ^^
sendol [-\]: slightly w thin
;W[re]C[NannyOgg [-\]: ok
;B[kn]C[sendol [-\]: if b settled this weak group, b hopeful
;W[qj]TR[qh]C[sendol [-\]: at least wcan take this b
;W[lk]TR[lk]C[sendol [-\]: b gained small
sendol [-\]: vital point
;B[nf]C[sendol [-\]: complicated
;W[nl]C[sendol [-\]: even if b alive,
;W[pg]TR[pg]C[sendol [-\]: if w can extend, w much ahead
(;W[lk]C[sendol [-\]: still
(;W[lk]C[sendol [-\]: since w very thick
sendol [-\]: w can attack severely
;W[nl]C[NannyOgg [-\]: ah
NannyOgg [-\]: i felt my attack wasn't very good
sendol [-\]: evem if b alive, w very successful
NannyOgg [-\]: ok
(;B[gr]C[sendol [-\]: or
(;B[jk]C[sendol [-\]: run
(;W[jk]C[sendol [-\]: kiai
;W[hr]C[sendol [-\]: besides base
;W[jp]C[sendol [-\]: cut
;W[cf]C[sendol [-\]: alive but too poor
(;W[jp]LB[im:A][iq:B]C[sendol [-\]: miai
(;W[hq]C[sendol [-\]: big cash
;W[cf]C[sendol [-\]: also w satgisfied
;W[in]C[sendol [-\]: w can cut
;W[lq]C[NannyOgg [-\]: cool!
sendol [-\]: no ladder
;B[kr]C[NannyOgg [-\]: sweet
;W[qk]C[sendol [-\]: w enough
;W[ml]C[sendol [-\]: big profit
(;W[jm]C[sendol [-\]: still
(;W[jm]C[sendol [-\]: still
;W[jm]TR[jm]C[sendol [-\]: w can surround
sendol [-\]: key move
NannyOgg [-\]: ic
sendol [-\]: even if b alive, w can take thick wall and take sente
;W[hr]C[sendol [-\]: b trapped
;W[nr]C[sendol [-\]: deasd
;W[hr]C[sendol [-\]: w big profit
;W[fl]C[sendol [-\]: nothing
;B[jm]C[sendol [-\]: should escape
(;W[hr]C[sendol [-\]: base
;W[ph]C[sendol [-\]: w enough
(;W[dn]TR[dn]C[sendol [-\]: probe
;W[ep]C[sendol [-\]: b in deep trouble
;B[kr]C[sendol [-\]: b can live but w getting very thick
;W[ph]C[NannyOgg [-\]: ok
(;B[cm]C[NannyOgg [-\]: ah
;W[hn]C[sendol [-\]: also good attack strategy
;W[ch]C[sendol [-\]: w thick
;W[ce]TR[ce][ap][cp][aq][cq]C[sendol [-\]: w satisifed
sendol [-\]: w big profit
sendol [-\]: w take 2 big points
;W[qm]C[sendol [-\]: normal
;B[gp]C[sendol [-\]: complicated fight
NannyOgg [-\]: messy ^^
sendol [-\]: so
(;W[pn]TR[pn]C[sendol [-\]: solid
sendol [-\]: this is better
NannyOgg [-\]: ok
(;B[qn]C[sendol [-\]: next w?
NannyOgg [-\]: c14
sendol [-\]: lower side?
NannyOgg [-\]: j3
(;W[jp]C[NannyOgg [-\]: ah
;W[jp]C[sendol [-\]: or
(;W[cf]C[sendol [-\]: positive idea
;W[nm]C[NannyOgg [-\]: i see
(;W[jp]C[sendol [-\]: normal
sendol [-\]: slightly better
;W[qf]C[sendol [-\]: flat opening
sendol [-\]: w insufficient
(;W[cf]C[NannyOgg [-\]: ah
sendol [-\]: had better shimari
This is a review by my teacher sendol
Thanks to Go for Life who put up a great explanation how to use eidogo for blogger.
Is there a way you could post the sgf file of the sendol lesson? I'd like to view it in CGoban
Hi, NanniOgg.
I added your blog.
please visit here.
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