Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Bedtime Ladder Problem

I haven't been playing much, but I have been doing pretty regular go problems. Tonight I finally managed to actually get a KGS game in. I played a guest and my 'capturing stones' problems sure did pay off.

I am white, he is black. It is not a particularly hard ladder to read, but it still made me feel good to see that I could capture those two triangle stones easily into a ladder. He didn't agree, so played out the ladder and escaped when he discovered that it failed for him. Oops ^^

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Jack's Go Congress Blog and AGA's New Site

Jack is a player from the Vermont Go Club who is attending the current American go congress. He is sharing his adventures with us by writing an excellent blog. Go Jack, go!


He posted a link to the new American Go Association Go Database, where one can look up so many more statistics than we ever were able to do on the old site. I am impressed!
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