Monday, July 06, 2009

Success and Failure

Success: I did my daily fifty easy go problems early this morning, and even pondered going to one hundred a day, since it is fast and good practice.


Failure: After I did my go problems, I had a few minutes left and played moves on the dragon go server, a turn based server. I went through my games fast. Click, submit, click, submit, click, submit. Notice how the thinking part got skipped? Which came back to haunt me as I clicked, submitted, and realized I just suicided my beautiful group and I watched it die right in front of my eyes, too late to do anything.
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Unknown said...

That's why I refer to turn-based servers as the slowest blitz games in the world.

linuxswords said...

Exactly. I've got more time than during a normal game, but it's tempting think less...

Anonymous said...

Turn-based games have the issue that, if it's been a while between moves, you have to remember what you were thinking up to your last turn. In my experience so far, often you lose the thread and make a bad move.